
A hypnotist is a licensed practitioner who will guide you in accessing your subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and create new empowering beliefs. Check out how Freedom Hypnosis NYC accomplishes this.

Hypnosis Benefits you can experience with Freedom Hypnosis NYC sessions

7 Seven Wonderful Benefits of Hypnosis

Despite what the media has led you to believe, hypnosis is a safe, effective, and legitimate therapeutic procedure that has helped many people with a variety of conditions, ailments, and bad habits. Under the guidance of a hypnotist, individuals are put into a relaxed state where the subconscious mind is accessed.

woman asking for help | hypnosis can help with | freedom hypnosis nyc

What Can Hypnosis Help With?

Some of you may be skeptical right now, thinking, “Wait, how can hypnosis possibly help this many problems?” And I don’t blame you for feeling this way. That’s because some people DO parade hypnosis around like it’s the end-all, be-all, snake oil solution to problems.

what hypnosis can do for me

What Can Hypnosis Do For Me?

There are some people who move through life without a care in the world. It seems as though they have endless opportunities and everything comes easy to them. They are viewed as lucky and are often envied by others. They may even be envied by you. What is important to realize is that everything is not always what it seems and that you always have the power to change how you feel about yourself and your life.


Online Hypnosis During These Unprecedented Times

These are very trying times for our nation and the world. With shelter-in-place orders and travel restrictions as well as governmental recommendations to practice social distancing due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the opportunity to explore hypnosis, or continue with hypnosis sessions, may seem impossible. But there’s good news. Online hypnosis sessions are now offered by Freedom Hypnosis.

ticking clock popularly stereotyped with hypnosis

Best of Hypnotherapy Practices in NYC

NYC is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. There is so much to do and see in just a few square miles. You can get Chinese food at 2 in the morning, Turkish food for lunch, and get in some gym time at midnight. And that’s great, right? The thing is, aside from its activity, much of NYC’s character comes from its locals, who are hardworking, busy people. Who hustle to keep food on the table, coach their children’s sports teams, and try their best to maintain a work/life balance.