Hypnotherapy NYC

Have you ever had an ah-ha moment? Something that all of a sudden, made things clear for you? Perhaps it was a problem that suddenly found its resolution or a forgotten memory that is recovered? Something was triggered in your mind that allowed that moment of clarity. Hypnotherapy is similar to that. It is a technique that accesses the subconscious mind which in turn enables an increase in the response to suggestion and changes to perception and memory.


Freedom Hypnosis was started by Craig Mackay, a certified hypnotist and life coach based in the Long Island City/Queens area of New York. Freedom Hypnosis specializes in hypnosis services that help clients achieve their goals, improve their lives, and alleviate stress. The professionals at Freedom Hypnosis understand that by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind through hypnosis, positive results can be achieved.

Why hypnosis?

Hypnosis has been recognized by the American Medical Association as a legitimate therapeutic technique. It is often misunderstand and dismissed as a simple parlor trick that has individuals barking like dogs are clucking like chickens. That is far from the truth. Hypnosis is a safe and powerful tool that can help individuals overcome many conditions and ailments, and break bad habits by tapping into the powers of the subconscious mind. Individuals are put into a relaxed state that allows hypnotists to unblock their subconscious obstacles.

The professionals at Freedom Hypnosis offer services that can increase productivity as well as positivity for their clients. The following hypnosis services are available to clients in the NYC and the surrounding area:

Spotlight on Weight Loss

Obesity is a big problem in today’s society. The consumption of easy to access fast food and the availability of high-caloric foods only makes losing weight more difficult. The process to lose weight can be daunting, for sure and with so many diet options, it is easy to be overwhelmed. Look, either these options work for you or they don’t and if they don’t, maybe hypnotherapy can be an option. It can help reduce the urge to overeat making it easier to lose weight quickly and at a healthier rate.

Come In and Check Them Out

The benefits of hypnosis are numerous and can definitely change the current path of an individual’s life and future. It is a powerful, safe, and effective way to counteract overeating and insomnia, quit bad habits such as smoking, relieve anxiety, and gain a positive attitude. The professionals at Freedom Hypnosis serve NYC and the surrounding area and they are intent on affecting change in their clients’ lives. For more information or questions, please visit craigjmackay.com; call (917) 300.1809; or email Craig at craig@craigjmackay.com.

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